Run a Node App
How to deploy a Node App on Salad
In this guide, we will build a simple Node.js application, an image, and a container using the image then expose the local host using Cloud flare “Cloudflared” tunnels with free Cloudflare tunnels and deploy on SaladCloud Container Engine (SCE)
- A Node.js app that you have developed and tested locally
- A SaladCloud Container Engine(SCE) account
- Git installed on your local machine
How to dockerize a Node.js application
Before we begin, let’s be sure ** Docker ** and Node.js is installed on our system.
If Docker is not, you can use the links below to download it based on your chosen Operating System (OS) :
To confirm if your Node.js has successfully been installed in your machine, open your (CLI tool) command prompt or
desired terminal and type this command. This will display the version of the installed Nodejs
node -v
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