This tutorial will guide you through the process of running a container locally and deploying a GPU-accelerated application on SaladCloud, following best practices. Before you begin, please complete the quickstart guide to set up your account, organization and project on SaladCloud. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of containers and images, Python, Docker commands, job queues, and load balancers.

The ideal development environment to create, build and test the image in this tutorial is a Windows PC with an NVIDIA GPU, WSL2, Docker Desktop and Visual Studio Code installed. Docker Desktop with the WSL 2 backend on Windows significantly simplifies running GPU-accelerated containers, eliminating the need for complex setups or a separate Linux environment. Integrating Visual Studio Code with WSL offers a powerful, efficient, and seamless development experience, enabling developers to leverage the strengths of both Windows and Linux environments without the overhead of managing separate setups.

Now you can create a container group by providing a docker run command, which will be automatically converted into the appropriate deployment on SaladCloud. After making any necessary adjustments, such as specifying the replica count and configuring the machine hardware, you can instantly launch an application running on a group of GPU-powered container instances. Each instance can receive its task inputs from a job queue or load balancer.

Example Code and Image

Let’s use an example to illustrate how this feature works and how to utilize it effectively. Assume we have a container image built from the following Dockerfile:

# Select a pre-built base image with GPU support

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl net-tools
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install flask

COPY /app
COPY /app

CMD [ "bash", "-c", "python & python" ]

This Dockerfile sets up a containerized environment using the PyTorch base image with GPU support. It installs Flask and the necessary dependencies, and copies the Python scripts into the image. When the container is run, it starts two Python processes:, which runs in the background to handle inference requests, and, which manages input/output operations and invokes the inference.

The simulates a classical API server that handles requests and runs GPU-based inference tasks, such as transcription, image or text generation, or molecular dynamics simulation, etc. In this example, we create a simple Flask web application using the two environment variables (‘HOST’ and ‘PORT’). When accessed at the root URL, it returns a message displaying the versions of PyTorch, CUDA, cuDNN, and the name of the first GPU available on the system.

When ‘HOST’ is set to ‘’, the Flask built-in server listens on all available network interfaces for IPv4 addresses, and does not handle IPv6 requests. In contrast, when configured to ’::’, the server can accept both IPv4 and IPv6 requests from all available interfaces. However, some web servers or images may be set to handle only IPv6 traffic when using ‘::’ or ‘*’.
import torch
import os
from flask import Flask

HOST= os.getenv("HOST","")
PORT = os.getenv("PORT","8888")

app = Flask(__name__)

# Download and warm up the AI models

# Consider adding a dedicated endpoint (e.g., /hc) to provide server health status
# Only call the service when it is ready

def hello_world():

    t1 = torch.__version__
    t2 = torch.version.cuda
    t3 = torch.backends.cudnn.version()
    t4 = torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)
    return 'Hello World: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(t1,t2,t3,t4)

if __name__ == '__main__':, port=PORT)

The simulates a typical workflow by continually interacting with a job queue (AWS SQS or others) and invoking the inference locally. It retrieves a job, downloads the input, calls the inference server to process the input, uploads the output and then returns the job result.

The code constructs the URL as follows:

  • If the environment variable HOST is set to ’::’, the host in the URL becomes [::1] for IPv6.
  • Otherwise (‘’), it defaults to for IPv4.

The logic above illustrates how to explicitly call a service using either IPv4 ( or IPv6 (::1). For localhost, if it is mapped to both IPv4 and IPv6 in the /etc/hosts file, whether localhost resolves to IPv4 or IPv6 depends on the image and system configuration.

No matter how the URL is built, both and must align on the IP address and port for local access.
import os
import time
import requests

HOST= os.getenv("HOST","")
PORT = os.getenv("PORT","8888")

# Wait for the inference server to become ready, or check its healthcheck endpoint first

URL = f"http://[::1]:{PORT}/" if (HOST == "::") else f"{PORT}/"
# URL = f"http://localhost:{PORT}/"

while True:

    # Retrieve a job from a queue service (such as AWS SQS or others)
    # The job provides either the input directly or a reference to the input stored in cloud storage

    # Download the job input from cloud storage

    print(80 * "*")
    print("Get a job and download its input")

    # Call the inference server locally, and get the output and result

    print("the io_worker calls the inference_server: " + URL)
    response = requests.get(URL)
    print("The response from the inference_server: " + response.content.decode('utf-8'))

    # Upload the job output to cloud storage

    # Return the job result to the queue - success or failure

    print("Upload the job output and return its result")

Let’s build the image and push it to the Docker Hub.

docker image build -t -f Dockerfile .
docker push

Scenario 1: Use a Job Queue

Now we can run some tests. In this scenario, you are building a batch-processing system using a group of GPU-powered container instances to handle thousands of jobs within a specified timeframe. Each instance retrieves its task inputs from a job queue, such as AWS SQS, SaladCloud Job Queue, or SaladCloud Kelpie.

Each job includes instructions on whether to download the input, how to process the data, and where to upload the output. After completing the job, an instance must upload the output and return either SUCCESS or FAILURE to the job queue. While you can embed the input and output within the job and its response, for large data, it’s recommended to use cloud storage for efficient handling, and the job and its return only contain the metadata and status.

Docker Run

This command starts a container interactively using the image, mounts a local directory (~/data) to /app/data in the container, sets environment variables (HOST and PORT), utilizes all available GPUs, and automatically removes the container after execution.

docker run --rm -it --gpus all -v ~/data:/app/data -e HOST="" -e PORT="8888" \

Since no ENTRYPOINT is specified in the Dockerfile, the CMD instruction is used as the default command. While the container is running, operates in the background, listening on IPv4 port 8888, while manages input/output operations and calls the inference service at

Let’s create a container group by providing the docker run command through the SaladCloud Portal:

Environment Variables

The -e flag in the docker run command is used to pass information to the container, which can be directly mapped to the Environment Variables settings on SaladCloud.

By utilizing this feature, you can customize system behavior and grant access to additional resources, such as cloud storage or job queues or APIs, for your containers running on SaladCloud.

Image Source

One container group can run only one container image at this moment.

Ensure the repository, image name and tag are all correct in the Image Source. If the container image is from a private repository, you will need to provide both the username and access token. These credentials will be used by SaladCloud to pull the image.

After pulling the image from the designated repository, SaladCloud will store it in its own repository, from which the image will be delivered to the SaladCloud nodes running your instances. When the container group is stopped, all SaladCloud nodes will be released and the images on these nodes will be also removed.

If your image has changed since the container group was created, you will need to update the image source to run the new version. This can be done whether the container group is stopped or running, prompting SaladCloud to pull the latest image.

We strongly recommend updating the image name or tag whenever it changes. This practice helps minimize confusion and ensures a smoother transition from local testing to deployment on SaladCloud.

Replica Count

Your container group consists of multiple replicas or instances, with each instance running on a separate SaladCloud node.

SaladCloud operates on a foundation of distributed and interruptible nodes, meaning that a node running your instance may go down at any time without prior notice. In such cases, a new node will be allocated to run the instance. There are no charges incurred during the reallocation process and until the instance is back up and running.

Additionally, downloading your image and starting the instance on these SaladCloud nodes may take some time, potentially ranging from a few minutes to longer, depending on the image size and the network conditions of the nodes. Some nodes may download the image faster than others, leading to earlier startup times.

So, when determining the replica count, it’s essential to consider both system capacity and reliability. Generally, we recommend using at least 3 replicas for internal testing and 5 or more for production environments. Increasing the number of replicas can significantly enhance the reliability and throughput of your applications on SaladCloud.

Deploying a container group with a few instances may also reduce waiting time and enhance the developer experience without incurring additional costs.

For example, if you want to conduct a quick test or validate an idea on SaladCloud, you can deploy a container group with 3 replicas. Since some nodes may start up earlier than others, once one of the replicas is running, you can perform and complete your test, and then shutdown the group, potentially before the other two replicas are up. Throughout this process, you would only be charged for the running time of a single replica.

Machine Hardware

The —gpus all option in the command allocates all available GPUs on the host to the container, enabling GPU support for applications running inside it. SaladCloud currently supports only one GPU per container. When creating a container group, you can select multiple GPU types at a priority level (Batch/Low/Medium/High), along with the required vCPU, memory and disk space. SaladCloud will then allocate the appropriate SaladCloud nodes that match these selections to run the container group.

Setting a lower priority for the selected GPUs can help reduce costs; however, low-priority workloads may be preempted when higher-priority workloads become available on SaladCloud. If you notice that instances with a lower priority level are being reallocated too frequently for your needs, you can edit the running container group to select a higher priority level.

SaladCloud Job Queue

If you are using the SaladCloud Job Queue to manage the tasks for your container group, you can use SaladCloud Job Queue Worker (an executable binary) to replace in the example. This worker is designed to handle input/output operations and interact with your inference server. For more information about SaladCloud Job Queue, please refer to this link.


Not all parameters in the docker run command can be directly converted to a container group deployment on SaladCloud; however, alternative solutions are available.

The -it flag allows you to interact with a container through a terminal. While SaladCloud does not offer this option during container group creation, you can still interact with running instances using the interactive terminal after the group has been created to perform tests or troubleshoot issues.

The -v flag is used to mount a volume by mapping a directory from the host system to the container. SaladCloud currently doesn’t support volume mounting using S3FS, FUSE or NFS. Instead, the recommended solution is to install and use the Cloud Storage SDK or CLI (such as azcopy, aws s3 or gsutil) within the containers to sync data from cloud storage.

Start the Container Group

After entering the additional information on the Portal, such as the container group name and the external logging services (optional), you can start the group.

Here is a screenshot of SaladCloud Portal 8 minutes after the container group was created:

Two instances are already running (one for 1 minute, having taken 7 minutes to start, and the other for 2 minutes, having taken 6 minutes to start), while the third is still downloading the image, which is expected.

When deploying a group of instances, it may take several minutes or longer for all instances to become fully operational, with some starting earlier than others, depending on the image size and their network conditions. Some nodes may run continuously for several days without interruption, while others might only operate for a few hours before being reallocated.

Applications running on SaladCloud must be optimized to adapt to this environment. For long-running tasks, your code should incorporate a built-in mechanism to manage reallocations by utilizing a job queue and cloud storage. During job execution, the code can periodically save checkpoints to the cloud. If a node or instance goes offline, another node or instance can retrieve the unfinished job from the job queue, recover the status from the last saved checkpoint in the cloud and resume execution.

Furthermore, the instances running on SaladCloud must have a continuously running process ( the ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions specified in the Dockerfile), such as a web server that listens for requests or a job queue worker that pulls new tasks. If the process simply runs a task and then completes quickly, SaladCloud will automatically reallocate the instances to rerun the process.

Scenario 2: With Container Gateway

Let’s perform another test. In this scenario, you are building a real-time, on-demand inference application using a group of GPU-powered container instances, accessible through a container gateway (load balancer). Your client application, such as AI Agent or Web UI, interacts with users directly, and forwards the inference requests to the instances through the container gateway.

This setup is not intended for long-running tasks. The container gateway has a timeout setting, and requests must be processed and returned by instances within 100 seconds.

Docker Run

This command provides the ENTRYPOINT instruction ( ‘sh’ ) and overrides the original CMD instruction specified in the Dockerfile ( with -c ‘python’ ) when running the container. The CMD acts as the default parameters for the ENTRYPOINT in this case, and starts only, which handles both IPv4 and IPv6 requests. Additionally, The port 8888 in the container is mapped to port 8000 on the host, enabling any services running on port 8888 within the container to be accessible through port 8000 on the host machine.

You can also modify the Dockerfile and rebuild the image to achieve the same goal, eliminating the need to specify the ENTRYPOINT and CMD options when running the docker run command.

docker run --rm -it --gpus all -p 8000:8888 -e HOST="::" -e PORT="8888" --entrypoint 'sh' \  -c 'python'

In this case, there is no running to handle input/output operations, so we can directly access the inference service via the port 8000 on the host. Alternatively, we can first enter the container and access the inference service on the local port 8888 using localhost, IPv4 and IPv6.

# Access the service via the port 8000 on the host
curl http://localhost:8000/

# Enter the container
docker exec -it XXX /bin/bash

# Access the service on the local port 8888 within the container
curl http://localhost:8888/
curl http://[::1]:8888/

When the Flask server is bound to ’::’, a dual-stack socket is created and the server can handle two kinds of requests:

  • Native IPv6 requests, using IPv6 directly and handled by the socket.

  • IPv4-mapped IPv6 requests, coming from the IPv4 address ‘x.x.x.x’ but translated into ‘::ffff:x.x.x.x’ and handled by the same socket.

Some web servers or images may create IPv6-only sockets in this case, limiting them to handling IPv6 requests exclusively.

Let’s review the server logs for more details, as they would be helpful to the deployment of health probes on SaladCloud:

Let’s create a container group by providing the docker run command through the SaladCloud Portal:

Container Gateway

The -p flag in the docker run command is used to map the port 8888 in the container to the port 8000 on the host, making the service accessible from the host. Here it is converted to the container gateway deployment within the container group.

The container gateway is a load balancer deployed in front of instances within a container group to expose their services. Instances running on SaladCloud must be configured to listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 (or IPv6 only) to ensure their services can be accessed through the container gateway. This is why “::” is used to launch the Flask server in the docker run command.

In this setup, a publicly accessible domain name will be generated, allowing access to the container’s service on port 8888 from the Internet, and you can also configure the API key for authentication.

# Access from Internet


Requests to the container gateway will be forwarded to the instances using two options: Round Robin and Least Connections. Since the inference time can vary significantly among different requests, Least Connections should be the preferred method in most cases, as it directs requests to the least busy instances.

By default, the container gateway sends multiple requests to an instance simultaneously. However, it can be configured to send only one request to an instance at a time, with subsequent requests waiting in the gateway until the current one is completed. The maximum waiting time must be 100 seconds or less and is configurable. This configuration ensures that an instance processes only one request at a time. You should carefully adjust these settings based on your application’s requirements.

Avoid sending very large requests (hundreds of MB or more) to instances through the container gateway, as this can significantly reduce end-to-end performance.

Instead, upload large files to cloud storage first, such as AWS S3, Cloudflare R2, or YouTube. Then, send requests to the instances through the container gateway, including only the file URL and metadata. After receiving requests, the instances directly download the inputs (specified in the requests) from cloud storage. This approach allows instances to optimize downloading throughput from cloud storage and reduces data transfer and copy.

Similarly, for very large responses, instances should upload outputs directly to cloud storage while the responses contain only the status and metadata.

Health Probes

Health probes offer an automated mechanism to initiate specific actions based on the status of containers within a container group. You can think of a probe as a piece of code running alongside the inference server within the same container, allowing it to access the service locally or the shared file system.

Readiness probes are essential when deploying a container gateway, as they ensure that requests are only forwarded to an instance when it is fully prepared—for example, when the model has been loaded and warmed up.

When configuring a readiness probe on SaladCloud, you can utilize TCP, gRPC, and HTTP protocols. SaladCloud does not provide an option to explicitly select IPv4 or IPv6; it defaults to using IPv6 when the container gateway is deployed, and reverts to IPv4 otherwise.

Here is an example: This HTTP probe checks the health of the inference server running inside the instance. The probe sends an HTTP GET request on port 5000 at the root path ( / ) and evaluates the response code. If a status code of 200 is returned, the probe is considered successful, and the container gateway will begin forwarding traffic to the instance. After 3 consecutive failures, the probe is marked as failed, and while the instance will remain running on the node, it will stop receiving requests from the gateway. It’s important to note that readiness probes may fluctuate between passing and failing.

Protocol: HTTP/1.X

Path: /
Port: 5000

Initial Delay Seconds: 60
Period Seconds: 10
Timeout Seconds: 5
Success Threshold: 1
Failure Threshold: 3

You can also use the exec protocol to create a custom script for the readiness probe.

Let’s look at another example: This exec probe runs a Python script inside the instance and checks the exit code. If the response from accessing http://[::1]:5000/health-check contains ‘READY’, the Python script returns zero, indicating a successful probe. Otherwise, the probe is deemed failed.

This probe is more advanced, as it checks not only the HTTP status code, but also the semantics of the response. Additionally, it explicitly uses IPv6 (::1) to access the inference service locally.

Probe Protocol: exec

Command: python
Argument1: -c
Argument2: import requests,sys;sys.exit(0 if 'READY' in requests.get('http://[::1]:5000/health-check').text else -1)

Initial Delay Seconds: 60
Period Seconds: 10
Timeout Seconds: 5
Success Threshold: 1
Failure Threshold: 3

Regardless of the probe protocol used, It is crucial to ensure that the probe and the inference server are aligned on IP address and port:

  • If the server listens on IPv4 only, the probe must be based on IPv4.
  • If the server handles both IPv4 and IPv6 requests, the probe can use IPv4 or IPv6.
  • If the server only handles IPv6 requests, the probe must be built on IPv6.

You can conduct additional tests using the base image, selected web server and localhost on SaladCloud to confirm these details before a standard deployment.

For simplicity, configure your server to use either IPv6 or dual-stack only when the container gateway is enabled, and explicitly use IPv6 (::1) in the probes if using the exec protocol. In all other scenarios, such as when using a job queue, configure your server with IPv4 and use IPv4 ( or localhost in the exec probes.


The —entrypoint ‘sh’ and -c ‘python’ options in the command are converted to the Command deployment within the container group. This feature allows you to provide or override the original ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions specified in the Dockerfile. With this flexibility, you don’t need to modify the Dockerfile, rebuild and push the image every time you change settings and code or run different applications.

As previously mentioned, the instances running on SaladCloud must have a continuously running process. If you simply want to start your instances, and then access them interactively to run code or troubleshoot issues, use the following command settings:

Once the instances are up and in a sleep state that is not reallocated by SaladCloud, you can access them through the interactive terminal to manually execute tasks, run tests, and diagnose problems. This screenshot shows after the instance is running, we run and test manually using the interactive terminal.


While most of a docker run command and its parameters can be directly translated into the container group deployment on SaladCloud to run a GPU-accelerated application, some aspects may need to be adjusted and replaced to fully optimize the use of SaladCloud.

  • SaladCloud is the powerful, highly scalable and cost-effective platform for requirements that involve tens to thousands of GPUs for large-scale and on-demand AI inference (such as image generation or LLM), utilizing a load balancer, or a batch-processing system to handle millions of jobs (transcription, molecular simulation) within a specified timeframe. However, single-instance, UI-based, or database applications are not well-suited for SaladCloud.

  • Consider both system capacity and reliability when determining the replica account (3+ for testing and 5+ for production), and increasing the number of replicas can significantly enhance the reliability and throughput of your applications.

  • Deploying a container group with a few instances may reduce waiting time and enhance the developer experience without incurring additional costs.

  • Always update the container image name or tag whenever it changes to minimize confusion. If the image has changed since the container group was created, you will need to update the image source in the container group to run the new version even if it retains the same name and tag.

  • Applications running on SaladCloud must be optimized to accommodate the distributed and interruptible nature of the platform, including varying startup times and node reallocations.

  • The containers running on SaladCloud must have a continuously running process; and If the process completes, SaladCloud will automatically reallocate the instances to rerun the process.

  • You can run code or troubleshoot issues interactively, using the Command settings and the interactive terminal.

  • The probe and the inference server must be properly aligned for local access in terms of both IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and port. For simplicity, configure your server to use either IPv6 or dual-stack only when the container gateway is enabled. In all other cases, use IPv4 exclusively.

  • All container instances, regardless of their locations, are currently exposed by the container gateway in the U.S, which may introduce additional latency for instances in other regions. Ensure that your applications can tolerate this delay and jitter.

  • Avoid using the container gateway or job queue to transfer very large data. Instead, utilize them to transmit metadata and status, while instances directly access cloud storage for uploading and downloading large data.

  • SaladCloud currently doesn’t support mounting volumes using S3FS, FUSE or NFS. The recommended solution is to install and use the Cloud Storage SDK or CLI (such as azcopy, aws s3 or gsutil) within the containers to sync data from cloud storage.

  • Unlike a Kubernetes Pod, which can run multiple containers (images) that share the same network and storage, a SaladCloud container group can currently run only one image. To run multiple applications, you may need to consolidate their images into one and use the ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions in the Dockerfile to run multiple processes within that single image.

  • If you run multiple applications or images using the Docker Compose commands, you will assess their suitability for SaladCloud first. Each application in the YAML file should be mapped to a dedicated container group with the container gateway. Communication between these applications or groups can only occur through the generated access domain names. Alternatively, you can consolidate these images into a single image and then deploy it using one container group.