We offer an interactive terminal on SCE deployments for each replica. The terminal allows you to interact directly with each replica deployment to troubleshoot issues or reconfigure your image after deployment.

To start using the terminal:

  1. Deploy a container group.
  2. Navigate into the container group deployment.
  3. Click on a running replica. You’re not able to interact with a deployment that is still starting.
  4. You’ll see the terminal window on this page, along with controls for the replica allowing you to restart, recreate, or reallocate the deployment, along with seeing logs.

From here, you have full terminal access to the replica, allowing you to interact with it as if you had the machine in front of you. The terminal is run as a second “screen”. This means it will not be connected to the same terminal output as anything being ran by the container image itself. If you need to review outputs from applications inside your container, use the View Logs feature. We recommend including some general utilities like a text editor and process viewer in your image if you intend to use the SaladCloud Terminal for debugging.


Terminal access is currently a Preview feature, and may not behave as expected.

  • If you’re having issues getting the Terminal to load, try closing additional Portal tabs and windows, and hard-refreshing the page with CTRL/CMD+SHIFT+R.
  • If the above steps don’t work, try re-allocating the replica to a new node.
  • If you suddenly lose access to the terminal, it’s possible the replica went offline or was re-allocated. Try heading back to the deployment page and see if the node is still online.
  • Some container images will exit if no command is specified, resulting in repeated failures and reallocations, and you will not be able to interact with it using the terminal. If you wish to interact with a terminal in one of these containers, adding a command of sleep with an argument of infinity will usually ensure the container stays running and you can access the terminal.

Please Note: We do not recommend using the SaladCloud Terminal for final deployment and configuration of each replica as this is considered stateful. SaladCloud deployments should be configured to be stateless, as they could be reallocated to another machine at any moment. This could mean you need to regularly re-configure replicas every time they adjust.