Using HTTP CONNECT (Recommended)

Connecting to SGS

All requests should be made through the Salad Gateway Service (SGS) server, which will route
them to the appropriate Salad node. SGS currently supports two protocols: HTTP CONNECT
and HAproxy’s PROXY v2 protocol.

Using HTTP CONNECT (recommended)
Connections to SGS are made using HTTPS as a transport for HTTP CONNECT requests.
For example,

  • Username ($USER)
    You can pass any usernames you like, as a string encoded in ASCII or UTF8. There are
    currently no character length limits enforced.
    Each username will be associated with one salad node. Because all requests sent
    through a single username will be proxied through the same node, we recommend using
    separate usernames for unique sessions. If a node goes offline for any reason, all
    connections that it was servicing will be automatically distributed to one or more
    least-loaded nodes.

  • Password ($PASS)
    The password for connecting to SGS will be shared with you using a 1Password link
    before beginning the trial period

  • IP & Port Number ($ENDPOINT)
    The $ENDPOINT should be in the format hostname:port . The hostname and port
    number for SGS will be shared with you before beginning the trial period.

Note: Proxy authentication with the SGS server MUST be made using TLS (https endpoint).
In addition, requests can only be made to destination addresses using HTTPS.

Putting it all together
Using curl, you can check the IP address and region of a node connected to one of your SGS servers like this:
curl -x 'https://session123:[email protected]:$PORT'