
Each Organization has a Quota which defines the maximum number of container groups, recipes or replicas that can be deployed on Salad. You can request an increase to your Quota via the portal, or by reaching out to our support team here.

There are four quota types on Salad Cloud:

  • Container Group Deployments: The maximum number of container groups you can have deployed at any one time. Note that stopped container group deployments count against your quota.
  • Container Group Replicas: The maximum number of individual replicas (instances of your container image) that you can have in a container group.
  • Recipe Deployments: The maximum number of recipes that you can have deployed at any one time. Note that the type of recipe (e.g. stable diffusion vs. metallama) doesn't matter - it's the sum total of the deployments that matters.
  • Recipe Replicas: The maximum number of individual replicas (instances of your recipe) that you can have in a recipe deployment.


Recipe Quotas Are Automatic

By adding a payment method to your organization, you will automatically be granted a small Recipe quota, allowing you to deploy some of the most popular models available today