We expose and provide JWTs to be used for authentication and validation inside your container as a replacement for Environment Variable secrets.

Instance Metadata Service (IMDS)

The IMDS allows you to use JWTs issued by Salad to securely connect your infrastructure to your operating nodes. These JWTs are short-lived, and are destroyed and invalidated when an instance ends. This is a more secure method than using Environment Variables to define secrets. These JWTs are generic, and can be used for anthing.

Obtaining the JWT:

Obtaining a JWT from inside your Salad Replica Node is straightforward, requiring just one API call. To do this, you’ll send a GET request from inside your container to In response, you’ll get a simple JSON body containing the token following this schema:

  'jwt": "eyJhbGci..."

The following is an example Python script to obtain the JWT to use elsewhere:

import requests

r = requests.get('')
token =r.json()['jwt']

Using the JWKS API

By reconfiguring your backend to take JWTs issued by Salad, you can authenticate each node securely without needing to share permanent secrets or other authentication systems hardcoded into your container.

Our JWKS lets you validate your JWTs, and it’s exposed here:
